Wobbly Life 2

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4.2 stars (202votes)


We all love sandbox games because they give us full freedom of action and don’t hold us back in exploring the world that opens up before us. One of such great games is Wobbly Life 2, which has become even brighter and more interesting with the second edition! Here you are invited to take control of a funny character, on whose behalf you will perform various tasks. And between them you can relax, just walking around the virtual city and discovering its various places and secrets!

In fact, the entire gameplay is based on completing quests. There are a lot of them in Wobbly Life and you can always choose exactly the type of tasks that you like most. For example, take part in dizzying races, try to collect certain items at a location before the rest of the participants, or try on the role of a noble scavenger who cleans the city from waste, and succeed in it better than others. Most of the tasks are competitive, so you always have an incentive to do your best. After all, the taste of victory is so pleasant!

But it’s not necessary to become the hardest-working, highest-perfuming player among everyone – it is enough to know that this time you have broken your own record or reached a new achievement. As in other games, for this you will be given various rewards: new skins, items and of course money. After all, there is always something to spend it on – the choice of entertainments and content in Wobbly Life 2 is simply tremendous. Go shopping, ride the train, dine in a cafe or have fun at the disco. Everything is like in real life!

You can also invite your friends here and complete quests together, competing with each other or acting as a team. Or meet new people for a pleasant virtual leisure. No matter how you choose to spend time in Wobbly Life, incredible adventures and a lot of positive emotions await you! Play the fresh, improved version of this beautiful online sandbox and see what new options and features the developers have prepared for you!


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